
The Connection Phenomenon

Die Kunst das zu tun, was wir brauchen, nicht was wir wollen.

Titelbild Permaliebe Festival

Wenn sich Kunden schon in der Verkaufsphase über das Erlebnis-Element meiner Arbeit hinaus für die tiefere Wirkungsweise interessieren, oder wenn sich nach dem Event noch die Gelegenheit ergibt, dass Entscheider oder Teilnehmende mit mir ins Gespräch kommen, dann sind es diese Geschichten aus 18 Jahren Tätigkeit, die begeistern, berühren und oft sehr nachdenklich machen.

2018 habe ich diese in meinem Buch zusammengefasst und international auf Englisch über Passionpreneur Publishing veröffentlicht.

How can we change for the better? In order to do this, we need to change our behaviour.

So the question then becomes: how can we change our behaviour? The answer: by changing our experiences! The more unexpected the experience, the more likely it is to lead to massive change.

In this must-read book, Matthias Jackel shares his experience from thousands of interactive drumming events and workshops with almost a million participants.

His workshops were booked as a surprise by organizations, groups and companies for their teams. But no matter how sceptical the audience was, the workshop always ended up being an amazing success. There was a deeper reason behind this success which will be revealed within the pages of Jackel's book.

Drumming served a basic human need and induced a feeling of connectedness, which in turn increased the quality of life in the participants' communities.

Matthias Jackel understands that music was not created by human beings simply so that they could excel at it. It was created to make us feel something towards each other and bring people together.

It changed the author and it changed many audiences. It invites the reader to change, too.

Eine Leseprobe bis Kapitel 1 kannst du dir gerne hier herunterladen.

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